New Years Resolutions Part 3: Resurrection

So it’s that time of year again…the beginning. And you know what that means: time to make some more resolutions that we’ll completely forget to keep by the third week of January.

Before we get there though let’s briefly talk about the holidays. I hope everyone had a great holiday season. For me it was pretty awesome. I got some movies, books, TV shows, Lego Dimensions on the Wii U and, craziest of all: a PS4. I was not expecting that at all, so it was a really awesome surprise. Along with the PS4 I got Fallout 4 and Far Cry 4.

So that was pretty sweet. But now let’s move on to what this post is actually about, resolutions. Like last year, let’s first find out how well I did at keeping my resolutions in 2015.

Get a girlfriend

Well, if you’ve been keeping up with this blog or know me in real life, you probably already know that I actually succeeded at this one this year. We’ve been going out for over 7 months now and things are still really amazing. I love her so much and what’s even better is that she loves me a lot too. I can’t wait to find out what 2016 has in store for us! No matter what, it’s going to be great spending it with her.

Read more

So throughout most of the year this one wasn’t really succeeding, but I ended up reading like 4 or 5 books in November and December and now I’m about a third of the way through A Clash of Kings (the second book in the Song of Ice and Fire series).

Finish writing the book my friend and I were working on

Well, we got to about chapter 16 and then kind of hit a mental barricade. So we stopped working on it and haven’t picked it up in a while. But that doesn’t mean my writing has ceased. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I wrote a short story that I entered into a contest and I’ll be finding out in February if it’s going to get published.

Get a real career

Unfortunately that hasn’t happened yet, but this is the year it will. I’ve had a lot of health issues this past year, what with my Ulcerative Colitis and all, but it’s finally getting better and so now I can really focus on getting out of Walmart and moving forward with my life.

Have more fun

I like to think that I accomplished this goal.


So 2015 was a crazy year with a lot of ups and a lot of downs. Finding out I had UC was both a good thing (because at least I know what I have) and a bad thing (because I have it). My family and I have gone through a lot to try to keep it at bay and now I’m on both prednisone and azathioprine as well as a sort of strict diet and probiotic yogurt and things have definitely improved.

What’s more is that I now I have a girlfriend, I bought my very own car, my sister got married…just a lot of craziness happened. The year went by quickly (as most years tend to do) but there was so much that happened, it’s just insane.

And the year ended on a good note with getting my health back in order, getting a PS4 and I also ended up buying a new TV online (which will be coming sometime next week). It’s a 49″ LG Smart TV and I’m really excited for that. But now onto my New Years resolutions for this year.

  • Well first and foremost is to get a real career. Now that my health is back I can focus on that as my top priority. I want to be able to move out of my parents place and there’s no way I’ll be able to do that if I’m barely making over minimum wage. Especially now since my hours have been cut to just 12 a week. All they’re really doing by cutting my hours is giving me more time to look for a new job. So, thanks I guess.
  • I have about a zillion books that need to be read and I would like to read most of them. We’ll see how many books I can get done this year, starting with finishing A Clash of Kings. I also ended up getting all of The Witcher novels (that have been translated into English so far) for Christmas from my girlfriend, so I want to read those. But I also have a bunch of other books to read like The Martian, Princess Bride, i,Robot, The Fifth Sally, Hopscotch and the other Song of Ice and Fire novels.
  • I should definitely write more and I should be on the lookout for more contests to enter. I would love to get the short story I entered published so that I can start telling people that I’m a published writer, but I shouldn’t just stop at that one. The more that I can get published the better, especially for when I write a novel and try to get that published. If a publishing company sees that I’m already a published writer, I feel like that could give me an edge in getting them to publish a novel written by me.

All things considered, this should be a pretty good year and these resolutions should hopefully be fairly easy for me to keep. I’m not looking to do anything outrageous, just things that I find fun and enjoyable and one thing that will help me move my life forward. I’ll keep this blog updated, especially in February if I win (or get into the top 10 winners of) the contest.

So with that being said, I hope everyone had a fun New Years and I wish you all the best in 2016.

What are your New Years resolutions? Did you keep the ones from 2015? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, feel free to like and share this post and follow this blog to stay updated.

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