Top 10 Best Movie Themes NOT Composed by John Williams

Top 10 Best Movie Themes NOT Composed by John Williams

It’s no question that John Williams is quite possibly the most well-known film composer of all time. His music is extremely iconic and catchy ranging from Star Wars to Harry Potter, from Indiana Jones to Jurassic Park, from Close Encounters of the Third Kind to Superman. He’s an absolute legend. Everyone knows his name and his music. That’s why I want to take a look at some of the best film scores composed by other composers.

Continue reading “Top 10 Best Movie Themes NOT Composed by John Williams”
I’m Fed Up With Nintendo’s Anti-Consumer Practices

I’m Fed Up With Nintendo’s Anti-Consumer Practices

Remember when the Nintendo Wii launched and it came bundled with Wii Sports, a glorified tech demo to showcase the Wii’s motion control?

Remember when the Nintendo Wii U launched and it came bundled with Nintendoland, a glorified tech demo to showcase the Wii U’s tablet controller?

Remember when the Nintendo Switch launched and it didn’t come bundled with 1-2 Switch, a glorified tech demo to showcase the new Joy-con controllers but instead sold it as a separate game for $50USD?

I remember, and as it turns out that was only the beginning of Nintendo becoming anti-consumer.

Continue reading “I’m Fed Up With Nintendo’s Anti-Consumer Practices”

My Hot Take On This Whole Voice Acting Fiasco

So I’m going to be very blunt about this, I think that white voice actors no longer being allowed to voice non-white characters is racist. I’m going to explain my reasoning behind this and hopefully by the end of this article, if you hadn’t already agreed with that sentiment, maybe you will.

Continue reading “My Hot Take On This Whole Voice Acting Fiasco”

How Nintendo Should’ve Done Online (And How They Can Still Fix It) – An Open Letter to Nintendo

How Nintendo Should’ve Done Online (And How They Can Still Fix It) – An Open Letter to Nintendo

Dear Nintendo,

You’re a great company. Your games are a lot of fun and you clearly put a lot of time and effort into them. The Nintendo Switch is a great console and it’s proven that you guys still have what it takes to make it in this industry. However, you clearly haven’t figured out how to do online properly yet, and that’s where I come in.

Don’t worry Nintendo, it’s not too late to turn things around. First you have to admit that you screwed up pretty badly when it come to your online implementation. Once you can admit that, then you’re ready to move on to step two, which is scrapping what you have and redoing it from the ground up. Lucky for you, ’tis the season to be giving and I’m in a pretty giving mood, so I’m going to help you make 2019 the year of Nintendo Switch Online. Continue reading “How Nintendo Should’ve Done Online (And How They Can Still Fix It) – An Open Letter to Nintendo”

Joker from Persona 5 is Going to be in Smash Bros Ultimate… So Who’s Next?

Joker from Persona 5 is Going to be in Smash Bros Ultimate… So Who’s Next?

I’ve only played Smash Bros. Ultimate for a few hours so far and I’m having a blast with it. But let’s take a step back for a moment and reflect on the amazing announcement that the protagonist from Persona 5 is going to be a playable character in Ultimate! I am so beyond pumped and hyped for that. Persona 5 is easily one of my all time favourite video games ever made and that announcement got me so excited!

But you gotta think, if that’s how they start with the 5 DLC characters, who’s next? There are 4 more unknown slots and everybody and their grandma’s dog is coming up with their own list, so I figured, why not join ’em?

Continue reading “Joker from Persona 5 is Going to be in Smash Bros Ultimate… So Who’s Next?”

Why I’m Offended by the People Who Are Offended at the “Straight Pride” Flag

Why I’m Offended by the People Who Are Offended at the “Straight Pride” Flag

This blog post is in reference to this CBC article:

For obvious reasons I definitely need to preface this by saying I have absolutely nothing against gay people whatsoever. One of my best friends is gay. He was my friend before he came out and he’s still my friend long after. I also have a cousin who is gay and is married to a guy, and they’re two of the nicest people you could ever meet. So, no, I certainly don’t have any prejudice against gay people, nor do I have homophobia.

With that being said, I guess I’m not allowed to be proud of who I am. That’s the message I get when people get offended at stuff like this.

Continue reading “Why I’m Offended by the People Who Are Offended at the “Straight Pride” Flag”

A Way Out: Fun or Disappointing?

So I recently purchased the new game “A Way Out” by the creator of “Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons”. The quick run down is that it’s an indie game that’s part of the EA Originals project (in which the creator said that EA isn’t making any money off of it, he and his team get all the profits [aside from what PlayStation makes]). It’ll take you about 6-7 hours to complete, it’s $39.99 CDN (so probably $29.99 in the US) and there are no microtransactions of any kind. It’s also a co-op only game (you can’t play solo), but only one person needs to own it (more on that later). So with that in mind, what did I think of the game? (Also, I’ll be keeping spoilers to a minimum, but there will be some minor non-story spoilers.) Continue reading “A Way Out: Fun or Disappointing?”

The Overwatch Problem

The Overwatch Problem

So yesterday I downloaded the Overwatch Beta on the PS4 and played it for a few hours. And while I had fun with it and I’m sure I’ll continue to have fun with it until the beta is up, I’m not planning on actually buying the game and I’m here to tell you why.

First, for those that don’t know, Overwatch is a first-person shooter game by Blizzard (the company behind World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo and, most recently, Hearthstone). Of course, calling it a first-person shooter might make people think it’s another Call of Duty or something, but it has more strategy involved in it than CoD (which has no strategy involved) and it’s more fast-paced and fun as well.

So what kind of problem do I have with the game? Continue reading “The Overwatch Problem”

Anomalisa: Great Movie or Pretentious Crap?

Anomalisa: Great Movie or Pretentious Crap?


So I’m going to start this off by saying that I think Charlie Kaufman is a great screenwriter and filmmaker, but that in no way affects my opinion of this movie. For example, I also happen to love P.T. Anderson with Boogie Nights being one of my all-time favourite films ever, but I absolutely hated Inherent Vice. Now as for Kaufman, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is also one of my all-time favourite movies ever, but he didn’t direct that one, he only wrote it. His first movie that he both wrote and directed was Synecdoche, New York which I am fine never seeing again considering it was quite possibly the world’s most depressing film ever conceived. It wasn’t bad, it was actually quite good, but each scene was more depressing than the scene that preceded it and by the end of the movie you basically want to kill yourself, so yeah, one viewing is all I need.
But now onto his latest film Anomalisa. So what is Anomalisa? It’s a stop-motion animated film written and (co-)directed by Charlie Kaufman. It was completely funded on It was originally just a soundplay and the three actors that were used to voice the soundplay reprised their roles for the movie. Continue reading “Anomalisa: Great Movie or Pretentious Crap?”

New Years Resolutions Part 3: Resurrection

So it’s that time of year again…the beginning. And you know what that means: time to make some more resolutions that we’ll completely forget to keep by the third week of January.

Before we get there though let’s briefly talk about the holidays. I hope everyone had a great holiday season. For me it was pretty awesome. I got some movies, books, TV shows, Lego Dimensions on the Wii U and, craziest of all: a PS4. I was not expecting that at all, so it was a really awesome surprise. Along with the PS4 I got Fallout 4 and Far Cry 4.

So that was pretty sweet. But now let’s move on to what this post is actually about, resolutions. Like last year, let’s first find out how well I did at keeping my resolutions in 2015.
Continue reading “New Years Resolutions Part 3: Resurrection”